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Items with the tag parser

Library Jelix Version Recommended

by Laurentj

Parse any version syntax, including semantic version. Compare version, using Composer version constraints syntax.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

2.0.1 (stable)
  • Released on 03/15/2022

Library Wikirenderer

by LaurentJ

WikiRenderer is a php component which can parse a wiki content, and transform it to XHTML content, to any other markup language, or to an other wiki content with a different syntax. So this is useful to transform and display wiki content into your CMS, your wiki, your forum, or for example to migrate wiki contents from an old wiki CMS to a new one.

You can use the WikiRenderer plugin for templates to use it into your Jelix templates.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

3.1.11 (stable)
  • Released on 04/29/2024
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Plugin Plugin Wikirenderer

by LaurentJ

A plugin for Jelix or Castor to render wiki content in a template.

It uses the library WikiRenderer.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.7.4 (stable)
  • Released on 04/29/2024
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7 to Jelix 1.8

Library IniFile Recommended

by Laurentj

Sets of classes to read and modify ini files, by preserving comments, empty lines etc. There are classes also to combine and merge several ini files.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

3.4.0 (stable)
  • Released on 02/13/2024

Library Castor Recommended

by Laurentj

This is the template engine used into Jelix (under the name jTpl). It uses a simple syntax similar to the PHP syntax.

  • A simple Api to inject data and to generate content
  • A language with a syntax similar to PHP, but a bit simpler to ease learning
  • Templates can be a file or a simple string
  • Efficient generator: template files are "compiled" to PHP files
  • A sandbox mode, to fetch untrusted templates (templates uploaded by a user in a CMS for example). This mode has less capabilities of course.
  • A plugin system, similar to Smarty plugins.
  • Plugins can be specific to a content type (HTML, XML, text…), so they produced right content.
  • meta expression: it allows the template to expose data to PHP code. For example, a "meta" can be an url of a stylesheet to use with the generated content.
Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.1.3 (stable)
  • Released on 11/08/2023