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Bring new features to your Jelix APplication

Module AdminUI

by Laurent Jouanneau

This is a module providing an interface for an administration application. It uses the AdminLTE theme, and is entirely customizable through APIs.

You can easily add content into the sidebar, the navbar or the dashboard, without manipulating HTML.

The module provide also widgets for jForms, that generate HTML for Bootstrap and CSS of AdminLTE.

This module remplaces the master_admin module.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.0.2 (stable)
  • Released on 05/01/2024
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7 to Jelix 1.8

Module jCommunity Recommended

by Laurent Jouanneau

jCommunity is a module which provide all you need to add features for user profiles on a web site like a portal or a community web site:

  • user registration: account creation, with confirmation by email and activation key.
  • users can choose their password
  • possibility to ask a new password when the user has forgotten his password (again, confirmation by email and activation key)
  • After a successful login, jcommunity can redirect to the page before the login
  • Profile editing
  • login/logout form
  • many new events in controllers, to allow you to do processing at each step of the registration and other actions, so your own module can verify or doing additional things.
  • notification messages with jMessage
  • a specific form for jauthdb_admin is provided
  • the administrator can reset the password of a user
  • the administrator can resend an email validation to a user

jCommunity replaces the jauth and jauthdb modules and use the jAuth class with the "db" driver of jAuth.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.4.4 (stable)
  • Released on 05/01/2024
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module News

by LaurentJ

There are two modules, one to create an manage news, and another to display news on your web site.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

2.0.0-rc.1 (pre-alpha)
  • Released on 04/30/2024
  • Compatible Jelix 1.8

Module jTcpdf Recommended

by Laurentj

This module provides a TCPDF response, to generate PDF content.

this module was provided with Jelix 1.6 and lower, but is now available separatly for Jelix 1.7 and higher, as a zip package or a Composer package

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.7.5 (stable)
  • Released on 02/27/2023
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module ldapdao Recommended

by Laurentj

This module provides a plugin for jAuth, allowing to authenticate against an ldap server, and registering user into the application with a dao (jauthdb module).

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

2.2.5 (stable)
  • Released on 10/09/2023
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module Soap server

by Sylvain de Vathaire, Laurent Jouanneau

Module to implement a SOAP server in a Jelix application

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.7.10 (stable)
  • Released on 09/29/2022
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7 to Jelix 1.8

Module MultiAuth

by Laurent Jouanneau

MultiAuth allows to authenticate against multiple login/password providers : ldap, table into a database... You can add your own plugin to implement a new provider.

It replaces the ldapdao module, and it is compatible with jauth, jauthdb, jauthdb_admin and jcommunity modules.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.2.2 (stable)
  • Released on 10/09/2023
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module SAML Recommended

by Laurent Jouanneau

This module provides authentication for jAuth against SAML servers. It has a plugin for jAuth, and register users into the application with a dao (compatible with jauthdb or jCommunity).

It provides also an administration interface to configure the SAML access.

It uses the PHP-SAML library.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

2.2.5 (stable)
  • Released on 12/07/2023
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module Resque

by Laurent Jouanneau

This module provides a worker based on PHP-Resque.

Any module that want to implement a job have to implement a class for the job, and an event listener to register the job.

A command line script for php console.php starts the worker and the client code can use the PHP Resque API to launch jobs and retrieve results.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

0.1.0 (stable)
  • Released on 10/10/2022
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7 to Jelix 1.8

Module JTags

by Bastien Jaillot, Laurent Jouanneau

Allows to manage tags associated to some records or objects.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.1.0 (stable)
  • Released on 12/24/2022
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7 to Jelix 1.8