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Bring new features to your Jelix APplication

Module HfnuSearch

by foxmask

Module proving a search engine based on the stemmer algorithm

Referenced by foxmask

Last version

1.4.0 (stable)
  • Released on 09/14/2011
  • Compatible Jelix 1.2

version du moteur de recherche fourni par le projet Havefnubb

Module HfnuCal

by foxmask

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

Module that permits to display your datas in a calendar

Referenced by foxmask

Last version

1.4.0 (stable)
  • Released on 09/14/2011
  • Compatible Jelix 1.2

Le calendrier s'installe au sein de ses autres modules, ensuite il suffit de surcharger la dao "cal" pour récupérer les éléments à afficher.

Module ActiveUsers

by Foxmask, LaurentJ

This module permits to detect the (in)activity of one connected (or not) member and displays his status on the website

Referenced by foxmask

Last version

1.2.1 (stable)
  • Released on 03/02/2022
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7

Module DownloadsManager

by foxmask

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

This module permits to upload files from the admin page and then from public page download them.

You can setup the module to avoid the leecher, and/or list the TOP 5 most popular files and/or TOP 5 lastest files.

Compliant Jelix 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Referenced by foxmask

Last version

1.7.0 (stable)

Version pour jelix 1.3.x

Module HfnuHardware

by foxmask

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

This module permits to extend the member's properties by adding custom fields which are here informations about his hardware configuration. Then, this adds a tab "Hardware" on the profile of each of the members of his website.

Referenced by foxmask

Last version

1.4.0 (stable)
  • Released on 09/14/2011
  • Compatible Jelix 1.2

Introduction des champs personnalisés pour le profil de ses membres avec ce module qui ajoute un onglet "Hardware".

Module HfnuIM

by foxmask

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

This module permits to extend the member's properties by adding some customs field which are here information about the kind of instant messaging used by the member. This add a tab "Instant Messaging" on the profile of the member.

Referenced by foxmask

Last version

1.4.0 (stable)
  • Released on 09/14/2011
  • Compatible Jelix 1.2

Introduction des champs personnalisés pour le profil de ses membres avec ce module qui ajoute un onglet "Messagerie Instantanée".

Module Modules info

by Foxmask, LaurentJ

Administration interface to display the list of installed modules. It shows their versions, descriptions etc.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.1.0 (stable)
  • Released on 08/19/2021
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.7

Module jDbObject

by Yannick Le Guédart

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

Une surcouche aux daos pour ceux qui veulent éviter les méthodes de dao et optimiser le SQL. Utilise les daos pour toutes les méthodes unitaires (get, insert, update et delete). Pour le reste, un QueryComposer permet de générer intelligemment les requêtes vers la base de données. Nécessite par contre une bonne connaissance du SQL. Aucune magie là dedans.

Referenced by Torgan

Last version

0.4 (stable)

Création du dépôt et mise à disposition du code.