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Bring new features to your Jelix APplication

Module ServInfo

by FoxMask, Laurent Jouanneau

It displays system data about the current server into a master_admin page. The user can see on the dashboard, if he has the right to see them, following informations:

  • server loads
  • name of the PHP cache engine
  • the database server used into the application
  • the database size and number of records
  • the PHP version
  • others informations given by modules listening the event servinfoGetInfo
Referenced by laurentj

Last version

2.0.0 (stable)
  • Released on 08/21/2021
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7 to Jelix 1.8

Module JelixCacheMod

by Foxmask, LaurentJ

It provides an administration interface to delete all temporary files of Jelix.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.1.0-pre (alpha)
  • Released on 01/07/2023
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module HfnuRates

by Foxmask, LaurentJ

If you want that users rate product, a content or anything else on your web site, this module allows it.

It has a zone displaying five stars, and users can click on these stars.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.5.1 (stable)
  • Released on 12/23/2022
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module jminify

by Laurentj

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

This is a module for Jelix, providing Minify features for HTML response objects.

Minify is a library which allow to concatenate and minify CSS and JS files. It improves performance during the load of the page. This module provides plugins to integrate it into a Jelix application.

Content of this module was provided with Jelix 1.6 and lower, but is now available separately for Jelix 1.7 and higher, as a zip package or as a Composer package

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.7.4 (stable)
  • Released on 09/03/2019
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7

Module jMenu

by gdugas

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

JMenu is a module providing the ability to easily manage the site's menus

Referenced by gdugas

Module jUnittests / Simpletest

by Laurentj

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

This is a module allowing to write tests with Simpletest, inside a Jelix application.

Simpletests was the test framework used in Jelix from Jelix 1.0 to Jelix 1.3. And it was removed completely in Jelix 1.7. So it is not anymore the official test framework of Jelix. We encourage to use PHPUnit or Atoum.

This module is only for developers who still have some simpletests tests.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.4.0 (mature)
  • Released on 05/28/2015
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7

Release of 1.4

Module sitemap

by laurentj

This is a module for Jelix, providing a Response object to generate a sitemap for search engines.

This module is for Jelix 1.7.x and higher. (these features were provided in Jelix 1.6-)

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.7.7 (stable)
  • Released on 01/27/2021
  • Compatible Jelix 1.7 to Jelix 1.8

Module jMessenger

by Bastnic, LaurentJ

jMessenger adds the possibility for users of a web site, to send private messages to an other user.

It is provided in the package of jCommunity.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.3.17 (stable)

Module jediPaypal

by FlorianLB

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

jediPaypal provide a simple way to integrate a Paypal paiement system on your apps.

Referenced by FlorianLB

Last version

v1.0 (alpha)

Traitement "backend" du paiement :

  • Traitement des IPN en provenance de Paypal
  • Vérifications de sécurité
  • Exécution du code métier

Mais aussi :

  • Sauvegarde automatique en base des transactions.
  • Tests grâce au mode sandbox.

Module HfnuThemes

by Foxmask

This module permits to easily manage you Jelix themes on your website

Referenced by foxmask

Last version

1.6.0 (stable)
  • Released on 08/21/2021
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.7