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Items with the tag database

Library PhpRedis

by Sash

Full PHP implementation of a connector to manage data into a redis database. Fork from Sash php-redis lib.

Use by the plugin php-redis pour Jelix.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

2.0.1 (stable)
  • Released on 01/11/2018

Plugin Sybase driver

by Xavier Martin-Prével

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

An experimental driver for Sybase database

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.0b (alpha)

Version experimentale. Merci de faire des retours sur https://github.com/jelix/jelix-contrib

Library jProfiles

by Laurent Jouanneau

API to manage access and credentials data (to database, ldap etc) into a single ini file. This is the component used into Jelix for jDb and other components, and available for any framework.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.2.1 (stable)
  • Released on 01/22/2023

Library Jelix Dao

by Laurent Jouanneau

This is the implementation of jDao, with classes that have been renamed and improved, and available for non Jelix application and future versions of Jelix 2.0+.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.1.0 (stable)
  • Released on 12/23/2023

Library Jelix Database

by Laurent Jouanneau

This is a lightweight PHP abstraction layer to access and query SQL databases, with an API to inspect and modify databases schema.

This is the implementation of jDb, with classes that have been renamed and improved, and available for non Jelix application and future versions of Jelix 2.0+.

Last version

1.3.1 (stable)
  • Released on 12/22/2023