LangPack Translations for Jelix 1.6
Many packages are available to bring translations for standard Jelix 1.6 modules, into your application.
Available translations (from 80% to 100% complete): Czech, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Galician, Slovak, Portuguese (Brazil), Dutch, Finnish, Spanish, Swedish (Sweden).
Other translations are available but some of them are not complete (they need your help!) : Hungarian (Hungary), Basque, Polish (Poland), Ukrainian (Ukraine), Romanian, German, Russian, Greek, Norwegian.
To contribute, go on Transifex.
Referenced by laurentj
Last version
2024.01.16 (stable)
Released on 01/16/2024
Compatible Jelix 1.6
Old versions
2022-11-09 (stable)
Released on 12/09/2022
Compatible Jelix 1.5 to Jelix 1.6