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Items with the tag stylus

Plugin jelix-stylus-plugin

by Brice TENCÉ

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

This project is an htmlresponse plugin for Jelix 1.3. It allows you to use easily stylus dynamic stylesheet language in Jelix.

When including a Stylus file (e.g. with addCSSLink()) you should set 'stylus'=>true as a param.

For more information, see README on github.

Differences with jelix-stylusAssetic-plugin :

  • this plugin does not rely on Assetic. This means PHP 5.3 is not necessary (it will run fine under PHP 5.2)
  • this plugin should run under Windows with Windows-specific version of nodejs (tested with v0.5.7) BUT, under Windows, stylus plugins need to be placed under one of nodejs default plugin directory (aside node.exe should be fine). This is because of a PHP bug.

Last version

0.3 (stable)

Ajout de la possiblité d'utiliser une lib de Stylus, tel que "nib". Ceci se fait en utilisant le paramètre de configuration "stylus_libs".

Plugin jelix-stylusAssetic-plugin

by Brice TENCÉ

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

This project is an htmlresponse plugin for Jelix 1.3. It allows you to use easily stylus dynamic stylesheet language in Jelix (using Assetic).

When including a Stylus file (e.g. with addCSSLink()) you should set 'stylus'=>true as a param.

For more information, see README on github.

Last version

0.2 (alpha)

More options (node.js bin path & node.js modules path) : no need to change Assetic now ...