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Items with the tag dao

Module jDbObject

by Yannick Le Guédart

It seems this project is not maintained anymore.

Une surcouche aux daos pour ceux qui veulent éviter les méthodes de dao et optimiser le SQL. Utilise les daos pour toutes les méthodes unitaires (get, insert, update et delete). Pour le reste, un QueryComposer permet de générer intelligemment les requêtes vers la base de données. Nécessite par contre une bonne connaissance du SQL. Aucune magie là dedans.

Referenced by Torgan

Last version

0.4 (stable)

Création du dépôt et mise à disposition du code.

Module ldapdao Recommended

by Laurentj

This module provides a plugin for jAuth, allowing to authenticate against an ldap server, and registering user into the application with a dao (jauthdb module).

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

2.2.5 (stable)
  • Released on 10/09/2023
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Module MultiAuth

by Laurent Jouanneau

MultiAuth allows to authenticate against multiple login/password providers : ldap, table into a database... You can add your own plugin to implement a new provider.

It replaces the ldapdao module, and it is compatible with jauth, jauthdb, jauthdb_admin and jcommunity modules.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.2.2 (stable)
  • Released on 10/09/2023
  • Compatible Jelix 1.6 to Jelix 1.8

Library Jelix Dao

by Laurent Jouanneau

This is the implementation of jDao, with classes that have been renamed and improved, and available for non Jelix application and future versions of Jelix 2.0+.

Referenced by laurentj

Last version

1.1.0 (stable)
  • Released on 12/23/2023